Sunday, 9 November 2008

Bidayat al-sul fi tafdil al-Rasul

by Izz al-Din ibn Abd al-salam

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem,

With the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Very-Merciful


1) Tilkal Rusul... Quddoos
2) Wa Law La Fadhlullahi.... 'Adheem
3) Wa... Zaboora
4) Aamanar Rasul... Maseer

Hadeeth: Fudhdhiltu 'alal anbiyaa-i bisittin.... nabiyyoon.

Book: Bidayat al-sul fi tafdil al-Rasul

Bidayah: Beginning (bada-a yabda-oo...)

as-Sool: fron the word Sawal (question)
Meaning, this is just a simple question.
Someone asked the writer to write something on Nabi sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

The writer is Sultanul 'Ulama Izudin As-Salaam. He was a great scholar of his time. First he was in Egypt, he studied there. Thereafter he went to Jordan, did khidmah there. Went back to Egypt.

He had his own views. He didn't fear to speak in front of the rulers. The 'Ulama at his time bowed down to him, as in there was no one like him. That's why he was called Sultanul 'Ulama.

Imam Nawawi rahmatullahi 'alayh in his commentary of Saheeh Muslim quotes from him a lot.

Bidayatus Sul (the beginning of the quest) - the question was put before him and he started to dictate the qualities of Nabi sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

Bidayat can also mean appear. So then it's from bada-a yabda-u buduwwan.

Tafdheel: Fadhdhala yufadhdhilu tafdheelan - to give preference to someone.
So nabi sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam was attributed with special qualities and the person asking the question wanted to know these tafdheerul rasul.